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These riders who inspire us
Thomas Goisque, adventure photographer

We take a closer look at the artist’s extraordinary journey to making adventure his way of life.

<h3>A man of words and action</h3>
It was no coincidence that Thomas Goisque found himself on the road to photography and adventure. After studying art and design at Arts Décos in Paris, he concluded his studies with a harrowing photo report for the NGO Children of the Mekong, which also marked the start of his love story with Asia. But it was a whole other experience –flying the French flag– when his career really set off. In 1993, Thomas was posted to Sarajevo as an Alpine Hunter and peacekeeper. With his camera at hand, he captured the Bosnian winter, the ice-capped mountains and the exhaustion, as well as the camaraderie. On his return, the French Ministry of Defence awarded him the Marc Flament prize for one of his prints. After that, the travelling never stopped and he jetted from Afghanistan to Siberia, passing through Vietnam. He travels the globe alongside either the Special Forces or accompanying writers’ crews, snapping the world in all its beauty and rawness.

A man of words and action

It was no coincidence that Thomas Goisque found himself on the road to photography and adventure. After studying art and design at Arts Décos in Paris, he concluded his studies with a harrowing photo report for the NGO Children of the Mekong, which also marked the start of his love story with Asia. But it was a whole other experience –flying the French flag– when his career really set off. In 1993, Thomas was posted to Sarajevo as an Alpine Hunter and peacekeeper. With his camera at hand, he captured the Bosnian winter, the ice-capped mountains and the exhaustion, as well as the camaraderie. On his return, the French Ministry of Defence awarded him the Marc Flament prize for one of his prints. After that, the travelling never stopped and he jetted from Afghanistan to Siberia, passing through Vietnam. He travels the globe alongside either the Special Forces or accompanying writers’ crews, snapping the world in all its beauty and rawness.

« Calming the fire inside.... »

A duo of motorbike explorers

“For the past 10 years, we've been perched on our motorcycles in Bhutan, Baikal, Rajasthan, Kyrgyzstan and Chile. We asked the wind and the dust, the purring of the pistons and the curve of the bends to thrust us towards the sense of freedom.” These are the words of Thomas's long-time friend and travel buddy, adventure writer Sylvain Tesson. Passionate about bikes and motorcycle tours, the two globe-trot side by side documenting their escapades, one in words, and the other from behind his lens. So, it is no surprise that we would want this adventurous pair to join us at Vintage Rides for the launch of our legendary Frozen Ride across the frozen Lake Khövsghöl in Mongolia. His relentless eye manages to capture the magic of the landscapes and the two-wheeled treks like no one else, whether on a motorcycle adventure in Sri Lanka or in Nepal, like more recently.

<h3>A duo of motorbike explorers</h3>
“For the past 10 years, we've been perched on our motorcycles in Bhutan, Baikal, Rajasthan, Kyrgyzstan and Chile. We asked the wind and the dust, the purring of the pistons and the curve of the bends to thrust us towards the sense of freedom.” These are the words of Thomas's long-time friend and travel buddy, adventure writer Sylvain Tesson. Passionate about bikes and <a href="https://www.vintagerides.travel/">motorcycle tours</a>, the two globe-trot side by side documenting their escapades, one in words, and the other from behind his lens. So, it is no surprise that we would want this adventurous pair to join us at Vintage Rides for the launch of our legendary Frozen Ride across the frozen Lake Khövsghöl in Mongolia. His relentless eye manages to capture the magic of the landscapes and the two-wheeled treks like no one else, whether on a motorcycle adventure in Sri Lanka or in Nepal, like more recently.

Do you want to take up a new challenge aboard a classic motorcycle? Join the Vintage Rides adventure on a Nepal motorcycle tour or a Royal Enfield tour in Laos.

Photo credits: Thomas Goisque

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