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Fire & Water: Volcanoes and lakes of Patagonia

21 March 2024


Fire & Water: Volcanoes and lakes of Patagonia

How do we get credited back…

20 March 2024


Fire & Water: Volcanoes and lakes of Patagonia
How do we get credited back the deposit on the bike damage?
La réponse de Vintage Rides

Hello Joseph, your deposit was automatically cancelled at the end of your trip via our secure software. Alexane, Orlane, Magalie et Astrid.

Thanks to the Vintage&hellip team;

03 March 2024


Fire & Water: Volcanoes and lakes of Patagonia
Thanks to all the team at Vintage rides De Lyons, Mongolia and L'Argentine. We made new friends. We had a lot of fun and a lot of laughs. As we say back home, "a good sick gang".
La réponse de Vintage Rides

Nous te remercions pour ta recommandation et ta fidélité. Nous espérons sincèrement te revoir bientôt pour de nouvelles aventures à moto. Alexane, Orlane, Magalie et Astrid.

Fire & Water: Volcanoes and lakes of Patagonia

25 February 2024


Fire & Water: Volcanoes and lakes of Patagonia

great fun, thanks

23 February 2024


Fire & Water: Volcanoes and lakes of Patagonia
great fun, thanks
La réponse de Vintage Rides

Thank you very much for your kind comment. Alexane, Orlane, Magalie and Astrid.

Adventure is adventure, but with Vintage…

17 February 2024


Fire & Water: Volcanoes and lakes of Patagonia
Adventure is adventure, but with Vintage Ride it's hassle-free. A top-notch team for my second experience, done and done again. Thanks to the team and a special mention to Simon and his mecanos.
La réponse de Vintage Rides

Nous te remercions pour ton retour David. Nous sommes enchantées que tu aies pleinement savouré ton périple en moto ! Nous espérons te retrouver bientôt pour une nouvelle expédition sur les routes. Alexane, Orlane, Magalie et Astrid.

the selected tracks and roads are fantastic,…

07 February 2024


Fire & Water: Volcanoes and lakes of Patagonia
The fantastic tracks and routes, the exceptional scenery, the quality of the stages, the extraordinary guide and mechanic all contributed to our fabulous trip. Thanks also to the riders who accompanied us, all of whom were wonderful encounters.
La réponse de Vintage Rides

Un immense merci, Sandrine, pour ton avis ! Nous sommes ravies de constater que tu as adoré ton expérience et que notre équipe a su répondre à tes attentes. Nous avons hâte de te retrouver bientôt sur les routes pour de nouvelles aventures ! Alexane, Orlane, Magalie et Astrid.

thanks to the great team, I…

05 February 2024


Fire & Water: Volcanoes and lakes of Patagonia
thanks to the great team, I had a great time! the adventure, the landscapes, the human relationships! I'm going back as soon as possible with Simon, Nico, Gilles and David!
La réponse de Vintage Rides

Un grand merci pour ton retour Virgile ! On espère que ce voyage en Patagonie t'a laissé des souvenirs inoubliables. On te souhaite le meilleur et on te remercie encore pour ta confiance en Vintage Rides. Alexane, Orlane, Magalie et Astrid.

Fire & Water: Volcanoes and lakes of Patagonia

28 January 2024


Fire & Water: Volcanoes and lakes of Patagonia

Several factors influence success…

21 January 2024


Fire & Water: Volcanoes and lakes of Patagonia
Many factors influence the success of such a trip! Unfortunately, the coherence of a group depends on chance! My group in Peru 10/10 same for Turkey ! For this trip .....
La réponse de Vintage Rides

Un grand merci, Serge, pour ton retour ! Nous sommes ravies que tu aies profité de ton aventure à moto. Ton avis est très important pour nous et nous te tenons à te remercier pour ta confiance ! Alexane, Orlane, Magalie et Astrid.

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